Monthly archives: April, 2019
Bonus: Much Needed Wetting
Padded Up / Plushies Everywhere!

Finally it’s a friday, and I can be padded again… I’m still dry for the moment, but not sure how long that will last ‘cuz I’m starting to need to pee…. I Peed! There’s always something super satisfying about getting padded after work… I’ll probably stay in this ’til mid-tomorrow now. It’ll be good to …
Hard Work & Nose Bleed
Padded Beach Day
For those on Mobile…

Hello, I’ve been looking at my Analytics quite a bit lately, and have noticed that the majority of you use Mobile devices to view the site. Due to screen size limitations, mobile users don’t see the sidebar for a better viewing experience… but that also means that they couldn’t get access to the Categories, Archives, …
Tommy the Easter Bunny

This is my April 2019 Patreon Reward from OverFlo207 I absolutely Love how this turned out, and perfectly before easter too. I’m simply Hopping around collecting eggs, and even making one myself… *Blushes* Though I think it may have gone a little bad. I have been a supporter of Flo’s work for a long time …